Hudson Valley Open Data Hackathon 2025

Unlocking Public Data Insights with Open Source and AI

Join us for an exciting half-day hackathon focused on leveraging New York State's Open Data resources… READ MORE

Hudson Valley Digital Rally Hackathon 2025

Registration opening soon!

Monthly Tech Meetups - Call for Speakers

While the annual HVTechFest brings together people who care about technology to highlight the trend, our monthly Meetups allow us to get a grasp on what's relevant for our region and people.


Tech Talent

Whether an emerging or professional Techie, please come and up your game, network with your community, share expertise, learn from experts, and grow in new directions!


Tech-driven solutions will be part of your business recovery and future growth. But which tech? Software, hardware, retraining, or all of the above? Get answers that will give you the edge to thrive over the next 10 years.


Tech hubs join large institutions to businesses and people in their community around a common goal to build prosperity, growth and innovation. Join OpenHub in celebrating Hudson Valley’s Tech Future!

What's going on here?

To get clear about the HV Tech Festival - WHAT is it, What does it do, and Why does it Matter

  1. What is it? HVTechFest is a conference for technology people who want to find people to collaborate with, it’s A Get Together
  2. What does it do? HVTechFest brings together people who care about technology. It creates a marketplace for buyers and sellers of technology expertise - people who are good at technology and people who want to hire those who are good at technology, or who want to learn from tech experts
  3. Why does it matter? It creates opportunities for enrichment, income, and growth. People might partner, consult, brainstorm, experiment, build, and fight or fail in a collaborative environment - we are creating a very messy thing to facilitate innovative thinking, creativity and business.

We want to create as many as possible meaningful (purposeful) connections accomplishing.something. 

You can choose the role which you want to accomplish. Finding similar minded people and allies. Finding partners, finding talents, finding jobs or mentors…

There is a significant mismatch between supply side and demand side in technology, and because of that mismatch the supply chain for tech services and talent pipeline is not only broken,but getting worse. By running HVTechFest we are solving this problem by creating a collaborative space and facilitating innovations.

HVTechFest is the missing link that connects academia, industry, individuals, potential employers, and it offers a space for those that never thought they could be developers.



These talks were stimulating. I spend too much time doing practical things, I just need to step out and observe the big picture

Really liked you had local regional and NYC based firms. Always a great mix. Really impressive and a huge undertaking. Look forward to next years.


Tech Academy: Facilitating Positive change

We are proud to introduce Tech Academy - the new program to upskill Newburgh residents with relevant digital skills. The program to be launched by Newburgh Free Library's at the newly renovated Tech Hub space in 2023. Our goals: To make tech skills available for all, providing career ad... READ MORE

Meet our 2022 Keynote Speaker

Don't miss our Keynote speaker revealing one of the largest open datasets for understanding global human society, - GDELT project. GDELT is the largest, most comprehensive, and highest resolution open database of human society ever created.  Its vast archives of more than a quarter bill... READ MORE

HVTechFest'21 Hackathon Recap

The third Hudson Valley Tech Hackathon was held virtually on October 29-30th on Zoom and Discord. The theme was ‘Digital Collaboration/Using Open Data For Social Good’ and our Hackers really took that and ran with it! More on their innovative projects coming up soon - don’t miss it.This... READ MORE