How can the blockchain solve digital rights? What are the ways drones are being used in the Hudson Valley? How are 7 counties and 1.3 million residents utilizing open data to create a hub of innovation and opportunities for researchers, governments, businesses and entrepreneurs? These topics and so much more are being explored in exciting talks and discussions on both days of the Conference.


Monetization of Drone Video

Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 11:30am to Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 12:00pm
Classroom 3
OU Boces

Drone Video and how to Monetize with Metadata and Media Asset Management through use of the VRmeta Video Meta Hub (SaaS) which offers In Frame Time Based Descriptive Metadata and capability of a media asset management solution.

4th industrial revolution

Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 02:00pm to Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 02:30pm
Classroom 3
OU Boces

Mission-Driven Infrastructure?

The dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution is here, and the world has an opportunity to create infrastructure for equity. This session will focus on how a collective mission-driven strategy brings focus to how local and global collaboration can unify rather than divide citizens. The key to thriving in this new industrial revolution is preparing and leading. That requires both disruptive technology and to develop talent that can make the most of it.  Learn the 5 key components that can usher in an equitable 4th Industrial Revolution.

Music Data and The Blockchain: A Perfect Marriage?

Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 03:30pm to Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 04:00pm
Classroom 2

Who owns the rights to this song? This question has always been complicated to answer properly, and in today's digital music economy, answering that question systematically is more imperative than ever to ensure the right creators and copyright owners get paid accurately and quickly. This talk will provide a brief overview of how a blockchain anchored solution and leveraging machine learning techniques can modernize how rights management data can be managed properly, and why this is critical for the growth and sustainability of the creator-driven businesses in media. 

Open Source Quantum Computing 101

Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 04:00pm to Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 04:30pm
Classroom 2
OU Boces

"We are at the beginning of the era of Quantum computers. No longer are they are thing of theory and imagination, but they exist, and you can even access them today over the cloud.

Join us on a journey of discovery that’s the basics of Quantum information theory, what a Quantum computer actually does and looks like, and how you can start playing with quantum systems in Jupyter notebooks and python. We’ll look at the Qiskit open source project, which provides a programming model, an open source quantum simulator, and a way to run jobs on a real quantum system.

Hudson Valley Regional Data Center - An Information Intermediary to help people find and use information to improve the communities they call home

Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 04:30pm to Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 05:00pm
Classroom 2
OU Boces

This talk will be an overview of HV's open data initiative (ODI) and efforts towards the formation of a regional data center to serve the mid-Hudson Valley's 7 counties, 15 cities, 235 municipalities and 1.3 million residents. We'll cover the role of the HV Regional Data Center as an information intermediary, the players associated with HV's open data ecosystem, and the innovation opportunities available for app/dev, analysts and publishing professionals, government officials & NGO leaders, academic researchers, and entrepreneurs. 

Promoting Open Data: A Case Study

Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 05:00pm to Friday, Oct 11 , 2019 - 05:30pm
Classroom 2
OU Boces

What does promoting Open Data look like in practice. We'll examine a large research organization was having trouble getting its researchers to comply with their open data policy. An in-depth process involving focus groups, one-on-one interviews, a technology audit, and review of policies and procedures identified factors that were discouraging compliance with the open data policy. This review led to recommendations for policy and procedure changes that will encourage researchers to follow the policy in the future.

Design Thinking

Friday, Oct 29 , 2021 - 02:00pm to Friday, Oct 29 , 2021 - 02:45pm
Session Leaders

"Design thinking" is a term you'll hear a lot around the tech industry. But what is design thinking, and how do companies like IBM use it to solve problems? In this session we'll learn about the design thinking methodology and apply it hands-on to creatively tackle a problem through a series of exercises.


Catch this talk replay on our YouTube channel

Link to design thinking template


Friday, Oct 29 , 2021 - 03:00pm to Friday, Oct 29 , 2021 - 04:00pm
Session Leaders

This workshop will explain what open data is and why open data is so important in addressing digital innovation and social good.  Two demonstrations of how open data can be used to support data science projects using open source tools like Python and R Studio will show attendees the importance and power of open data!

Wineries, Breweries, Cideries, Meaderies, and Distillers (An Exploratory Analysis)

HV Tech community - ways to grow. Together

Thursday, Dec 08 , 2022 - 04:30pm to Thursday, Dec 08 , 2022 - 05:00pm

HV Tech community reinvigoration
John Sturman will cover GDG experience as well as free resources for cerrtifications

We welcome Jamey Stevenson from TVGS to introduce his gaming community, located at Troy, NY

Rewatch this session on YouTube: