Hudson Valley's Women in Tech: Movers and Shakers / Charting Your Fearless Path

We are excited to present our regional Women in Tech.

  • - Curious about their personal career journey: Why the road is less traveled in tech by women?
  • - Passion and Meaning: What do I care about? 
  • - Dealing with Impostor syndrome: Am I good enough?
  • - What are the challenges and how women be a change agents?
  • - Finding your niche area using a Blue Ocean Strategy: not competing, but complementing!
  • - Filling the void with Purpose in Community. What was your call to action? 
  • - Building self-efficacy: being empowered to make a difference. Now I can!
Session Type
Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm


Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction & Technology

Dr. Andrea Tejedor is an educational technology steward, supporting K-16 educators making a strategic shift to leverage instructional technologies for student learning and teacher professional… More

Lehman College, CUNY
Deputy Chair of Computer Science

Eva is passionate about technology, loves teaching and believes in community give back. She is currently a Faculty Member and Deputy Chair of Computer Science at Lehman College, CUNY with… More

Data scientist, engineer, professor, mentor

Cynthia V. Marcello, DM is a tech solopreneur, software applications developer, data scientist, professor, and business management consultant with 25 years of experience working with small-to-… More

Website Accessibility Specialist

Dana currently serves as a Website Accessibility Specialist at SIDEARM Sports. Prior to that, she was a Program Manager, Website Accessibility Instructor, & Teaching Assistant for Careers in… More