Draft for the Hudson Valley Digital Manifesto


An all-star panel of Digital Inclusion advocates and thought leaders will present their ideas and work at the 2021 the Hudson Valley TechFest Conference. Inclusion is a hot topic up and down the mid-valley region. The movers and shakers driving this movement will be on hand live and virtually to discuss their activities and plans for the coming year.

Get ahead of the curve, hear what OpenHub, Newburgh Free Library, STEM Alliance Mamaroneck, Workforce Development Institute are doing and how you can benefit from their programs.

In addition, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), a leading national advocacy organization, will present the New York Digital Inclusion Fund and how these planning and Innovation grants will expand broadband and workforce development opportunities. The fund will support innovative partnership models accelerating digital inclusion across New York State and fund solutions providing affordable, high-speed Internet, computer devices and digital skills training.

Any Hudson Valley based organization doing digital inclusion work and looking to advance digital equity in their community will want to join this panel, share about the amazing work they do, and sign a Digital Inclusion Manifesto define, promote and guide the development of a data-centric culture in the Hudson Valley.


Catch this panel replay on YouTube   or ISOC NY Livestreamed

Session Type
Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm


National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Executive director

Angela Siefer is the Executive Director of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance. Angela has been working in the field we now call digital inclusion since 1997. From physically setting up… More

Workforce Development Institute
Regional Director for the Hudson Valley

Mary Jane Bertram is the Regional Director for the Hudson Valley. She believes that this region of the state has limitless opportunities for developing initiatives that strengthen and expand… More

Newburgh Free Library
Executive Director

Placemaker, Advocate, Connector, Librarian...

Mary Lou Carolan has made it her mission to transform rural, suburban and city libraries into vibrant community learning centers using a blend… More

STEM Alliance

Margaret (Meg) Käufer is an educator, community organizer and fundraiser.  As President and founding member of The STEM Alliance, Meg brings her training and certifications in education to her… More

Director of Program Development

Mr. Pallor is known as Marketing Communications and Data Analytics Consultant

He started his career as an independent film and video producer, working for broadcast and cable news outlets… More